Collection Profile for: Fresno State University Vertebrate Collection (FSC-FSCV)
The Vertebrate Collection is composed of ~6000 mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, and fish specimens. Mammal Collection: ~2500 skins and 170 skulls or skeletons, representing 22 families total. Bird Collection: ~2500 skins and 470 skulls or skeletons, representing 56 families total. These two collections date back to the late 1800s, and are largely local collections by former Fresno State professors and their students, including William T. Shaw, Lloyd G. Ingles, A.E. Culbertson, A. Hawbecker, A. Staebler, and D. Chesemore. The Vertebrate Collection also has a small collection (~100 specimens) of preserved fish, as well as a small reptile and amphibian collections (~200 specimens). Together, the collection is used in teaching Comparative Vertebrate Morphology, Field Ornithology, Ichthyology, Aquatic Ecology, and Terrestrial Ecology. All specimens are available for research use upon request.